7 Sept 2009


The dreaded swine flu has arrived - at Sandy's school of course. Following protocal, as they must, they asked for him to be picked up because he occasionaly gets asthma and is therefore 'vulnerable.' Unless the local doctors will agree that he isn't all that vulnerable, at which point he can go back and get it over with, he will be off school for as long as it takes to work its way through everyone there. It's in the larger community so he'll probably catch it anyway. What a mess.

Does this bullet have my name on it?


stitching and opinions said...

Oh dear, only just got him back to school too. Poor boy; is there any sign of the vaccine?
Haven't heard anything recently about it here, but they did say it would get going again once the schools are back.
I have no doubt some Cambridge snootums will give it to me when i am stewarding on wed, maybe I should make an arty mask.
How about you? you are the asthma queen. We need one of those lovely but weird Venetian masks.

carol said...

Or those nightmarish masks in drawings of the Black Death days?

Maybe designing masks could be your next project?