3 Sept 2009

The time for fiction.

I'm always reading the books that Chillsider read last year - or even the year before! With all the rain and the tangible onset of autumn I've suddenly been getting through them in gulps. Another Paretsky adventure with the fierce and feisty (and rather irritating) Warshawski, then another of Paretsky's which was quite different and seems to lend truth to the theory that writers get taken over by the characters they create because freed from the demands of V.I.Warshawski she has written a much more interesting book, 'Ghost Country' Although it has her usual speed, force and angry characters it's in the 'Magical Realism' genre. She probably enjoyed the excursion. I enjoyed reading it. Now I'm catching up with the end of Rebus in 'Exit Music' although I note he has been promised walk-on appearances in the new series. I also re-read Doris Lessings' 'Briefing For a Descent into Hell' in a bid for madness provoked by the Hubble images. This time it didn't hold me. Not nearly mad enough.

Whilst this has been going on the fiction shelves have been emptying so I have to suppose others are also feeling the need to curl up with a book. The real world out there is rather depressing.

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