17 Sept 2009

Yellow flag.

A ship's yellow flag, denoting the letter Q for ‘quarantine.’ When flown with another flag, it indicates disease on board; when flown alone, it indicates the absence of disease and signifies a request for customs clearance.

Well, we have disease on board but I'm not sure what the 'other flag' should be so I'm just telling friends by text to stay away - not an option in the days of the great sailing ships.

Sandy didn't seem too bad yesterday. His temperature went down quickly and his apetite never went away. Much food was consumed, many DVD's watched. For the other children at his school it also seems to have presented as a heavy shivery cold. He was, however, taking it like a man, with lots of moaning and a groan after every cough. 'You really don't want to get this granny.'

I don't, but on the other hand I'd really like to get it over one way or t'other.


Gillian said...

Are you immune for ever after one bout or is there an annual needle to cope with its evolutionary phases? If it is for ever, then a jab or a short bout might be worth it, specially if the body is going through a "hale" stage and can handle it better.
Cheers anyway and glad S is feeling better.

stitching and opinions said...

yes agreed maybe better to succomb now before the winter sets in...........I can remember getting the asian flu in the 60s, did you? Maybe that will give us immunity, or at least the will to live when we are aching as we Know what we have done once we can do again!
Hope sanders feels better soon.

carol said...

Hope to be immune for ever! But then they'll think of something else...
I blame the sky trails...