20 Sept 2009

Perfectly formed.

Last weekend I went to the 53rd wedding anniversary of some much-valued friends. Sandy took the photos so I didn't get any of this amazing couple but I got one of Cally, the female half, with Nicholas, my ex. They were made for different scale models I think!

The little Wendy house was built by Harley (the male half) to house his studio. He is an artist and a creativity machine. Over the years he has instigated, undertaken and carried through more projects than most people even dream of.

They've been through some tough times together, and apart. There has been some smashed china along the way. I've watched in admiration over the years as they went at the bumpy bits with the same positive and creative energy that they put into all their projects. Their shared journey seems to have brought them lots of happiness and satisfaction, especially nowadays.

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