24 Sept 2009

Here be dragons.

The dragon T has landed and Sandy is delighted. He wore it to archery last night. It isn't really that much too big. They must cut them rather small which is why the one I bought for 11+ is already tight. The ones I bought for three-year-olds were also small so the Chillside grandson should be just right any time now. Many thanks for ours. I think I might keep the black on black one when he finally releases it - I shall frame it. Best dragon I've seen for ages and I'm very taken with them mythologically and artistically.

Chillside's reason for taking up smoking for the 'naughty girl' effect reminded me of the day we found my ma-in-law, sitting up in her hospital bed after her first hip replacement, puffing elegantly away at a cheroot. She said it helped to keep her feeling human in the face of the dehumanising nurses! What can we replace this weapon with? Last time I was hospitalised I took a 'protective' Aura Soma oil in with me. It smelled so nice I got more attention from the nice nurses so maybe it worked.

Not much news here except that I won a £15 voucher for meat from a local butcher by finishing the crossword in the local weekly rag. YES! Pity Sanders has decided to go veggie (he's a piscitarian actualy as he is still eating fish.)

I have a fluey cold - is that IT? Chloe has had the same. So far it isn't even enough to stop me sitting in the shop dammit. I should be grateful but - what an anticlimax!!

1 comment:

Gillian said...

I complete crosswords of all sorts but spend £1.60 a Saturday on the Telegraph, just to get my hands on the giant "General Knowledge" one. I keep the cryptic on the back page of the news sheet for Sunday morning.
So....what sort of crossword did you win, I didn't even know you liked crosswords. Gosh, it's like I missed something important.
Well Done Indeed and please get some decent meat for it. I have just sent off for a mincer because I'm not going to accept anyone else's ever again.
Cheers Gillian