18 Mar 2008

No Surtees but...

Well, he hadn't wanted to let any of his books go but the wife was insisting. I think he hid the Surtees from her! Anyway he brought in an interesting set of boxes which included a copy of 'An Introductory Course of Fencing' by George Roland, a slim volume which can bear a respectable price. Also a private printing of all Durer's woodcuts in a hessian cover. The 'Hay and Straw Measurer' by John Steele, which I think I'll pass on to Richard, with a small book about sheep breeding, not worth much but of interest in the right quarters. The Memoirs of Queen Caroline in full calf but scruffy. Lots of Sotheby catalogues which don't fill me with glee. A few volumes of the Victoria History of the Counties of England and some of the more interesting Folio Society editions.... and so on. I'm feeling very grubby and sneezy as most of them (excepting the Folio's as usual) could do with a good clean.

There's a chap lurking in the fiction. He's been there for an hour. I suppose he's reading a book.

Earlier today I caught myself planning my retirement. It will probably pass but being all internet seemed like a desirable thing. I could walk on the beach, sit in cafés, go to the better auctions..... write.....

I'm restless.

It's spring.

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