3 Mar 2008

Pay day?

Well, what a surprise. A busy Monday morning. I think folk must have been paid. Lots - 10, that's lots for me - of Amazon orders too. Good kick-off to the week. This shop will never be in Bryn's league sadly but Ballater is a very different town. No charity shops for a start and a weekly turn-over of well-heeled tourists coming to their time-share at the Hilton. I am content to see the average weekly score continue to rise although I find it surprising. I thought I would reach a ceiling before now. More expensive books dominating the stock doesn't seem to have put people off and for the increased takings I have less chit chat! There's never room for complacency though. Could be terrible next week. In fact for me the worst time of the year is approaching. April-May-June have always been slow.
More space would be good but this way I don't have to buy shelf-fillers, can pick out the good stuff from what I'm offered, keep the selection fresh and not get so bored with my stock. I take heart from what drif said: in his infamous guide: "I only acknowledge three sizes of bookshops, small, medium and large. In my experience the size of a secondhand bookshop is in inverse proportion to its quality. It is not always true that small bookshops are good but it is invariably the case that large bookshops are bad and the larger they are the worse they are." I suppose Charles Leakey must have come across that. Wonder what his comment would be.

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